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An aerial image of a sunrise over tropical rainforest in Cambodia.

News and Stories

We see incredible climate action take place in rainforest around the world each and every day. Find stories and news to inspire your own climate action now.

Stories shape the future.

Nature-Inspired Jewellery Preserving the Amazon Rainforest

AMARNO, an Association of Women Artisans of the Northeastern Region, comprises 36 Indigenous Awajún women dedicated to revitalising their ancestral knowledge and traditions through bio-jewellery. Their craft not only supports their families but also contributes to the preservation of the…

Exciting Ways to Protect the Amazon Rainforest Through Tasty Food

Attention food enthusiasts and rainforest conservationists! A wonderful initiative is underway to protect the Amazon rainforest by combining tasty food and rainforest preservation. Cool Earth supports fish farming programmes that help to strengthen communities by…

Cool Earth: A year in photos

As we approach the end of the year, we wanted to take a moment to reflect and look back on our achievements in 2023. Here are some of the top images captured by our teams and our partners who work…

Cool Earth’s Top Achievements in 2023

As we come to the end of another busy year, we wanted to reflect on the incredible work Cool Earth has achieved with the help of our partners and supporters.   Rainforest Labs in Papua New Guinea As you read…

You Asked, We Answered: Basic Income Pilot

In case you missed it, we launched the world’s first basic income pilot for people living in the rainforest last week.  We received an incredible response to this news. So much so that we wanted to address…

World’s First basic income pilot for Indigenous Peoples

Big news! Your donations are going directly to Indigenous peoples who are protecting the Amazon rainforest. No middlemen, no faff, just cash in the hands of the people with an unbeatable record of keeping rainforests safe. It’s all thanks to…

The forest depends on fish farmers

Fish farming in Awajun communities has helped participants secure sustainable livelihoods in the Amazon rainforest. Thanks to the breeding of native species, such as paco and gamitana, families are guaranteed nutritional intake and income from the sale of surpluses that…

Rainforest Weavers

In the Indigenous community of Cutivereni, Peru, a group of women have come together to keep traditional artisanal crafts alive. They are known as Jeto and are made up of 18 Indigenous Asháninka mothers. From the depths of…

Chikáun: Taking Amazonian Cacao to New Heights!

Amazonian cacao is allowing Indigenous communities to dream even bigger. “This cacao project with our Awajún brothers and sisters began seven years ago. During the first six years, we worked on farm and crop management,…